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Type or paste your text here, then click the Grammar button...
How to use this tool
Type or paste your text into the text area.
Optionally, select the language you are using. If you set the selection to auto then the tool will attempt to detect the language.
Click the Check Grammar
button to check your grammar and style. Hover over any highlighted phrases for details on potential errors. Blue buttons on the popups provide a quick way to correct mistakes. Click the Check Grammar button again if you want to recheck your corrections.
Click the Copy
button to copy the converted text to the clipboard.
Click the Clear
button to remove the text.
Hint: You can also select text in your browser, right-click on the selected text, and then choose "Check Grammar" from the menu. This will open a new tab and check the grammar of the text you selected.
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Works with Google Drive
You can upload files from your PC or Google Drive.
Instruction Manual
We have a simple tutorial guide which explains the features of the software extension and what each button inside the extension does.
Read our tutorial and welcome guide on how to use the extension to the fullest.
Any operating system works
This addons works on all computers - the operating system you use doesn't matter.